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Troubleshooting RED006 Error: What to Do When Update Package Download Fails

How to Fix Message Unable to Download Update Package. Message ID RED006

If you are trying to update your iDRAC firmware using an Out of Band interface, such as Dell OpenManage Essentials, OpenManage Enterprise, or Chassis Manager Controller, you may encounter an error message that says "Unable to download update package. Message ID RED006". This error means that the iDRAC firmware update has failed due to a security signature verification issue. In this article, we will explain what this error means, why it occurs, and how to troubleshoot it.

message unable to download update package. message id red006

What is Message ID RED006 and Why Does It Occur?

Message ID RED006 is an error code that indicates that the iDRAC firmware update has failed because the iDRAC cannot verify the security signature of the update package. This can happen for two reasons:

The Meaning of Message ID RED006

iDRAC stands for Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller. It is a hardware device that allows you to remotely manage and monitor your Dell servers. iDRAC firmware is the software that runs on the iDRAC device and provides various features and functions, such as power management, system health monitoring, remote console access, firmware updates, and more.

iDRAC firmware updates are delivered as Dell Update Packages (DUPs), which are executable files that contain the firmware payload and a digital signature. The digital signature is a cryptographic code that verifies the authenticity and integrity of the update package. The iDRAC checks the digital signature before applying the update package to ensure that it is not corrupted or tampered with.

The Causes of Message ID RED006

There are two possible causes for message ID RED006:

  • The iDRAC firmware version is too old to support the new digital signature format. Starting from iDRAC firmware version, Dell changed the digital signature format from SHA-1 to SHA-256, which is more secure and reliable. However, older iDRAC firmware versions ( or older) do not support SHA-256 signatures and will reject the update package.

  • The firewall settings are blocking the communication between the iDRAC and the Out of Band interface. The Out of Band interface is a software application that communicates with the iDRAC using WS-MAN protocol over HTTP or HTTPS ports. The firewall may prevent the iDRAC from downloading the update package from the Out of Band interface or sending back the status information.

How to Troubleshoot Message ID RED006

To fix message ID RED006, you need to either update the iDRAC firmware using a different method or change the firewall settings to allow the communication between the iDRAC and the Out of Band interface. Here are some possible solutions:

Check the Firewall Settings

The first thing you should do is check your firewall settings and make sure that they are not blocking the communication between the iDRAC and the Out of Band interface. You can refer to the user's guide for your Out of Band interface for the required ports information. For example, if you are using OpenManage Essentials, you need to allow TCP ports 80, 443, 623, 664, and 161 on both inbound and outbound directions.

Enable ICMP Ping

If your firewall settings are correct, but you still If your firewall settings are correct, but you still get message ID RED006, you may need to enable ICMP ping on your iDRAC device. ICMP ping is a network diagnostic tool that tests the connectivity and latency between two devices. The Out of Band interface may use ICMP ping to check the availability of the iDRAC before sending the update package. If ICMP ping is disabled on the iDRAC, the Out of Band interface may fail to communicate with it.

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To enable ICMP ping on your iDRAC, you need to log in to the iDRAC web interface and go to Network > Services > IPMI Settings. Then, check the box that says "Enable IPMI over LAN" and click Apply. This will allow the iDRAC to respond to ICMP ping requests from the Out of Band interface.

Update iDRAC Firmware In-Band or Extract the Payload

If you still cannot update your iDRAC firmware using the Out of Band interface, you may need to use a different method to update it. One option is to use an In-Band interface, such as Dell Update Manager or Dell Command Update, which are software applications that run on the operating system of your server and communicate with the iDRAC using a local connection. Another option is to extract the payload from the Dell Update Package and apply it manually using the iDRAC web interface or RACADM command line tool.

To use an In-Band interface, you need to download and install the appropriate software application for your server model and operating system from Dell's website. Then, you need to follow the instructions on how to scan for updates, download the update package, and apply it to your iDRAC device.

To extract the payload from the Dell Update Package, you need to download the update package from Dell's website and save it to a local folder on your computer. Then, you need to open a command prompt window and navigate to the folder where you saved the update package. Next, you need to type the following command: filename.exe -w, where filename.exe is the name of the update package file. This will extract the payload file, which has a .d7 extension, to a subfolder named payload. Finally, you need to copy the payload file to a USB flash drive or a network share and apply it to your iDRAC device using the iDRAC web interface or RACADM command line tool.

Step Update the iDRAC Firmware Using Older Versions

If none of the above solutions work for you, you may need to step update your iDRAC firmware using older versions until you reach a version that supports SHA-256 signatures. This means that you need to apply intermediate firmware versions in a sequential order until you reach version or higher. For example, if your current iDRAC firmware version is, you need to apply version first, then version, then version, and finally version or higher.

To step update your iDRAC firmware using older versions, you need to download the older firmware versions from Dell's website and save them to a local folder on your computer. Then, you need to extract the payload files from each firmware version using the same method as described above. Next, you need to copy each payload file to a USB flash drive or a network share and apply them to your iDRAC device using the iDRAC web interface or RACADM command line tool in a sequential order.


Message ID RED006 is an error code that indicates that the iDRAC firmware update has failed due to a security signature verification issue. This can happen because of two reasons: either the iDR


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