How Fechtbuch Inspired Kingdom Come: Deliverance to Recreate Historical Swordfighting
# Outline - Introduction - What is Fechtbuch and why is it important for understanding historical swordfighting? - What is Kingdom Come: Deliverance and how does it relate to Fechtbuch? - What is the main purpose of this article? - Fechtbuch: The Real Swordfighting behind Kingdom Come - The origins and development of Fechtbuch - The earliest known martial arts manual: I.33 - The influence of Johannes Liechtenauer and his followers - The German school of fencing and its characteristics - The main weapons and techniques of Fechtbuch - The longsword and its guards, strikes, thrusts, and binds - The dagger and its grips, stabs, and disarms - The polearm and its swings, hooks, and thrusts - The wrestling and its throws, locks, and breaks - The challenges and benefits of studying Fechtbuch - The difficulties of interpreting the texts and illustrations - The advantages of learning from historical sources - The rewards of recreating the art of swordfighting - Kingdom Come: Deliverance: A Game Inspired by Fechtbuch - The story and setting of Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The historical background of the game: the Hussite Wars in Bohemia - The main character and his quest: Henry, a blacksmith's son - The open-world and realistic features of the game: exploration, survival, choices - The combat system and mechanics of Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The use of Fechtbuch as a reference for the combat animations and movements - The five-directional attack system and the stamina management - The weapon types and their advantages and disadvantages: swords, axes, maces, bows - The feedback and reception of Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The praise for the game's authenticity, immersion, and historical accuracy - The criticism for the game's bugs, glitches, and controversies - The impact of the game on the popularity of Fechtbuch and historical swordfighting - Conclusion - Summarize the main points of the article - Emphasize the connection between Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Encourage the reader to try both the game and the martial art # Article Fechtbuch: The Real Swordfighting behind Kingdom Come Have you ever wondered how people fought with swords in the Middle Ages? How did they learn the skills and techniques of combat? How did they defend themselves against different weapons and opponents? If you are interested in these questions, you might want to learn about Fechtbuch, a term that means "combat manual" in German. Fechtbuch is a collective name for a series of manuscripts and books that describe the art of swordfighting and other martial arts in medieval Europe. These sources are invaluable for understanding how people fought in real life, as well as how they thought about fighting as a science and an art. One way to experience Fechtbuch is to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance, a video game that is inspired by these historical manuals. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a role-playing game that takes place in 15th-century Bohemia, during the turbulent period of the Hussite Wars. You play as Henry, a blacksmith's son who gets involved in a series of events that will shape the fate of his country. You will explore a vast open world full of historical details, realistic features, and immersive gameplay. You will also engage in combat that is based on Fechtbuch principles, using authentic weapons and techniques. In this article, we will explore the connection between Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. We will look at the origins and development of Fechtbuch, the main weapons and techniques that it teaches, and the challenges and benefits of studying it. We will also look at the story and setting of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, the combat system and mechanics that it uses, and the feedback and reception that it received. By the end of this article, you will have a better appreciation of both Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance as expressions of historical swordfighting. ## Fechtbuch: The Real Swordfighting behind Kingdom Come Fechtbuch is a term that refers to a variety of manuscripts and books that contain instructions and illustrations of martial arts, especially swordfighting, in medieval and Renaissance Europe. These sources are written in different languages, such as German, Italian, Spanish, French, and English, and cover different periods, regions, and styles of fighting. However, they all share a common goal: to teach the reader how to fight effectively and efficiently with various weapons and in various situations. ### The origins and development of Fechtbuch The earliest known martial arts manual is the I.33, a manuscript that was written in Latin and German around 1300. It shows how to fight with a sword and a buckler (a small shield) in one-on-one duels. It is also the only surviving manual that depicts a woman as a combatant, named Walpurgis. The I.33 is considered the foundation of the German school of fencing, which dominated the Fechtbuch tradition for centuries. The most influential figure in the German school of fencing was Johannes Liechtenauer, a 14th-century master who wrote a series of verses that summarized his teachings on the longsword (a two-handed sword). His verses were cryptic and poetic, requiring interpretation and explanation by his followers. Some of his most famous followers were Sigmund Ringeck, Peter von Danzig, Jud Lew, Hans von Speyer, and Johannes Lecküchner. They wrote commentaries on Liechtenauer's verses, as well as their own treatises on other weapons, such as the dagger, the polearm, and the wrestling. The German school of fencing was characterized by its emphasis on principles rather than techniques, its use of guards (postures), strikes (hews), thrusts (stiches), and binds (windings), and its integration of wrestling and grappling into swordfighting. It also had a system of ranks and titles for its practitioners, such as scholar (schüler), free scholar (freifechter), master (meister), and grand master (oberhaupt). ### The main weapons and techniques of Fechtbuch Fechtbuch covers a wide range of weapons and techniques that were used in medieval and Renaissance combat. Some of the most common weapons and techniques are: - The longsword: The longsword was the most popular weapon in Fechtbuch, as it was versatile, powerful, and elegant. It was used with both hands on the hilt, allowing for greater control and leverage. It had four main guards: vom tag (from the roof), ochs (ox), pflug (plow), and alber (fool). It had four main strikes: oberhau (over-hew), unterhau (under-hew), zwerchhau (thwart-hew), and schielhau (squint-hew). It had four main thrusts: oberstich (over-thrust), unterstich (under-thrust), mittelstich (middle-thrust), and durchwechseln (changing-through). It also had four main binds: winden (winding), absetzen (setting-off), duplieren (doubling), and mutieren (mutating). - The dagger: The dagger was a secondary weapon that was used for close-quarters combat, especially against armored opponents. It was used with different grips: hammer grip, icepick grip, half-sword grip, and reverse grip. It had four main stabs: oberstich (over-stab), unterstich (under-stab), mittelstich (middle-stab), and durchwechseln (changing-through). It also had various disarms: ablauffen (running-off), abschneiden (cutting-off), durchlauffen (running-through), umlauffen (running-around), winden (winding), absetzen (setting-off), duplieren (doubling), mutieren (mutating). - The polearm: The polearm was a weapon that consisted of a long shaft with a metal head that could have different shapes, such as an axe blade, a hammer head, a spike, or a hook. It was used for fighting against multiple opponents or mounted opponents. It had three main swings: oberhau (over-swing), unterhau (under-swing), zwerchhau (thwart-swing). It also had three main thrusts: oberstich (over-thrust), unterstich (under-thrust), mittelstich (middle-thrust). It also had various hooks: anbinden (binding-on), aufreissen (ripping-up), umreissen (ripping-around). - The wrestling: The wrestling was an essential part of Fechtbuch, as it was used to complement the weapon techniques or to fight unarmed. It had four main throws: heben und werfen (lifting and throwing), schlagen und werfen (striking and throwing), reissen und werfen (ripping and I'm glad you want me to continue the article. Here is the rest of it: ## Kingdom Come: Deliverance: A Game Inspired by Fechtbuch Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a video game that is inspired by Fechtbuch and its historical swordfighting. It is a role-playing game that takes place in 15th-century Bohemia, during the Hussite Wars, a series of conflicts that erupted after the death of King Wenceslaus IV and the rise of a religious reform movement led by Jan Hus. You play as Henry, a blacksmith's son who witnesses the destruction of his home village by a mercenary army sent by King Sigismund of Hungary, the half-brother and rival of Wenceslaus. You join the resistance led by Lord Radzig Kobyla, a loyalist of Wenceslaus, and embark on a quest to avenge your family and restore order to the kingdom. ### The story and setting of Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kingdom Come: Deliverance is set in a realistic and historically accurate open world that recreates the landscape, culture, and politics of medieval Bohemia. You can explore various locations, such as castles, towns, villages, forests, fields, mines, and monasteries. You can interact with hundreds of characters, each with their own personality, background, and agenda. You can also witness and participate in historical events, such as the siege of Talmberg castle, the Battle of Vítkov Hill, or the burning of Jan Hus at the stake. The game features a nonlinear story that is influenced by your choices and actions. You can shape your character's personality and reputation through dialogue options, moral decisions, and relationships with other characters. You can also choose how to approach each quest, whether by stealth, diplomacy, violence, or a combination of these. Your choices will have consequences that affect the outcome of the story and the world around you. ### The combat system and mechanics of Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kingdom Come: Deliverance uses Fechtbuch as a reference for its combat system and mechanics. The developers consulted with experts and practitioners of historical swordfighting to create realistic and authentic animations and movements for the combat scenes. They also used motion capture technology to record the actions of real fighters using real weapons. The game features a five-directional attack system that allows you to choose where to strike or block with your weapon. You can also use feints, combos, counters, clinches, and ripostes to gain an advantage over your opponent. You have to manage your stamina, which affects your speed and strength in combat. You also have to consider your weapon type and its effectiveness against different types of armor and enemies. The game offers a variety of weapons to choose from, such as swords, axes, maces, bows, crossbows, daggers, spears, halberds, shields, and more. Each weapon has its own stats, such as damage, speed, reach, durability, and weight. Each weapon also has its own advantages and disadvantages in different situations. For example, swords are fast and versatile but less effective against plate armor; axes are good at breaking armor but slow and heavy; maces are powerful but require more stamina; bows are good for ranged attacks but require skill and accuracy; daggers are good for stealth kills but useless in open combat; spears are good for keeping distance but hard to use in close quarters; halberds are deadly but unwieldy; shields are good for defense but limit your mobility; etc. ### The feedback and reception of Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kingdom Come: Deliverance received generally positive reviews from critics and players alike. It was praised for its authenticity, immersion, and historical accuracy, as well as its story, characters, and gameplay. It was also recognized for its ambition, originality, and innovation in the genre of role-playing games. However, the game also faced some criticism for its bugs, glitches, and technical issues that affected its performance and stability. Some players also complained about its difficulty, learning curve, and realism that made some aspects of the game frustrating or tedious. The game also sparked some controversy over its representation of race, gender, and religion in medieval Bohemia. The game had a significant impact on the popularity of Fechtbuch and historical swordfighting. It introduced many players to the art and science of medieval combat and inspired them to learn more about it. It also increased the demand and appreciation for Fechtbuch and other historical martial arts manuals as sources of knowledge and inspiration. ## Conclusion Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance are two expressions of historical swordfighting that share a connection and a passion. Fechtbuch is a collection of medieval and Renaissance manuals that teach the art and science of combat with various weapons and techniques. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a video game that is inspired by Fechtbuch and recreates the story and setting of 15th-century Bohemia, during the Hussite Wars. Both Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance offer a realistic and authentic experience of historical swordfighting, as well as a fascinating and immersive adventure in the past. If you are interested in Fechtbuch or Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you should try both of them. You will learn a lot about history, culture, and combat, as well as about yourself. You will also have a lot of fun, challenge, and excitement. Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance are not just books and games, they are ways of life. ## FAQs - What is Fechtbuch? - Fechtbuch is a term that means "combat manual" in German. It refers to a series of manuscripts and books that describe the art of swordfighting and other martial arts in medieval and Renaissance Europe. - What is Kingdom Come: Deliverance? - Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a video game that is inspired by Fechtbuch and its historical swordfighting. It is a role-playing game that takes place in 15th-century Bohemia, during the Hussite Wars, a series of conflicts that erupted after the death of King Wenceslaus IV and the rise of a religious reform movement led by Jan Hus. - How are Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance connected? - Fechtbuch and Kingdom Come: Deliverance are connected by their common focus on historical swordfighting. The developers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance used Fechtbuch as a reference for their combat system and mechanics, as well as for their story and setting. They also consulted with experts and practitioners of historical swordfighting to create realistic and authentic animations and movements for the combat scenes. - What are the main weapons and techniques of Fechtbuch? - Fechtbuch covers a wide range of weapons and techniques that were used in medieval and Renaissance combat. Some of the most common weapons and techniques are: the longsword, the dagger, the polearm, and the wrestling. Each weapon has its own guards, strikes, thrusts, binds, disarms, throws, etc. Each weapon also has its own advantages and disadvantages in different situations. - What are the main features and mechanics of Kingdom Come: Deliverance? - Kingdom Come: Deliverance features a realistic and historically accurate open world that recreates the landscape, culture, and politics of medieval Bohemia. It also features a nonlinear story that is influenced by your choices and actions. It also features a five-directional attack system that allows you to choose where to strike or block with your weapon. It also features a variety of weapons to choose from, such as swords, axes, maces, bows, crossbows, daggers, spears, halberds, shields, and more.
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